Meet Eddy.

Your Colour Consultant.

Dear Future Client,

I can’t wait for us to discover your best colours together. It has been such a joy combining my love for people, colour and self expression through The People’s Palette.

The origins.

I came across Colour Analysis during my study of Visual Arts at the University of Sydney, where I was taught the Psychology, History and Physics of Colour and Light.

I began applying Colour Theory to everyday situations: From taking photos, to decorating my room and most significantly, to picking out my outfit.

And then I noticed those around me asking for advice...

Why I love what I do.

Colour Analysis is positive.

It brings me so much joy to witness my clients develop their knowledge of colour, a new sense of style and confidence in their natural beauty.

Colour Analysis is good for the world.

Colour Analysis does the opposite of what the beauty and fashion industries want, for us to buy more.

Knowing our colours allows us to shop smarter, not harder. And when we consume less, we save money as well as the Earth’s resources.

See you soon.
